Instrumental tuition

High quality music lessons on classical guitar, piano, ukulele and recorder where learners enjoy, play and perform music. Online and in person. Based in Hampshire, UK. 

I provide online and face-to-face instrumental music tuition on classical guitar, piano, ukulele and recorder. Please see the individual tabs for information on each instrument.  I aim to develop independent learners capable of deciphering for themselves what is on a music score, quickly get beyond note reading onto music interpretation and expression. Even very young children will be reading music fluently and enjoying the freedom of being able to play their favourite melodies in a very short space of time.

I support students through the graded music exams if this is the route they choose to take. I mainly use the Associated Board of the Royal School’s of Music syllabus. I have also had substantial success guiding children through 11+ Music Scholarships in recent years. (i.e. Sir William Perkins, Surrey x 2, Tormead, Surrey, The Royal Grammar School, Surrey x 3, Portsmouth High School, Hampshire, Mayville High, Hampshire and Bedales, Hampshire)


Classical Guitar

