Music Theory Tuition
Music theory lessons from an Associated Board Examiner. Face-to-face and online tuition available covering ABRSM Grades 1-8.
Next Blitz Grade 5 Theory Group Zoom class: Starts 6th January 2023 at 9am (6 weeks)

Music theory tuition is delivered by an ABRSM Music Theory Examiner with considerable success guiding students through the Associated Board music theory exam syllabus grades 1-8.
ABRSM’s Music Theory exams grades 1-5 provide students with an understanding of the basics of rhythm and notation in the treble and bass clefs. Grades 6 to 8 expand on this and covers harmony and counterpoint, composition and a broad knowledge of western music, including composers, structure, style and period.
I particularly recommend advanced music theory for students contemplating AS/A level music. Grade 6-8 also carry UCAS points.
Blitz Grade 5 Music Theory (Group or individual tuition)
The ABRSM Grade 5 Music Theory qualification has become a recognised landmark musical achievement nationally and worldwide.
The Blitz Grade 5 Music Theory Zoom class is popular and I am now offering the course a few times throughout the year. It is recommenced students have covered the content for Grades 1-3 theory before signing up, although concepts in these earlier grades is covered.
The required Grade 5 content is covered over the course of six weeks. Thereafter students will need a short period of exam paper practice either with myself or their own instrumental/vocal teacher before entry.
From August 2021 onwards, online Music Theory exams for Grade 1 to 5 will be available ‘on demand’, allowing candidates to book and take their exam whenever they wish.