Pre-GCSE Music Appreciation Course for Children (Ages 7-11)
Preparation for my GCSE Music Courses 11+
Booking now open for September 2023
Mondays @ 9-10 am
£12.50 per hour

This course is targeted towards students who would like to study GCSE Music and would like a year to prepare for this. Above all a ‘feel-good’ weekly offer for home educated children who would like to add a creative subject to their curriculum. It would suit children who play an instrument or sing.
During the course students will;
- An introduction to composing and the music software package Sibelius.
- Learn to recognise the various instruments of the orchestra.
- Develop subject specific vocabulary related to the musical elements (dynamics, rhythm, tempo, metre, structure, instrumentation, texture, harmony and tonality).
- Learn about the Music Basics (music notation) and work through ABRSM Music Theory (early grades) where appropriate.
I loosely follow the National Curriculum Attainment Targets for Key Stage 3 but will be working at a higher level and introducing some of the skills required for GCSE Music.